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Infinite Potential Blogs: By Sean Klein 

Wu Wei, Inherent value and a heart centered life...

Are you eating yourself or feeding yourself? Have you ever wondered if there was an easier way to live? Not in a sense of less activity or challenges, life will always present its challenges and difficulties, but what if YOU could be easier, internally. It is very difficult, actually I would say impossible, to move with true power, effortless power, the kind of power that is not force but makes impact and gets results without forcing or trying hard. The kind of power that flows through you, straight from your inner heart. the kind of power that is fully aligned, fully inspired and radiant. Power that FUELS life.
We often mistake right action with the action itself in any given situation rather than the internal drive and orientation that propels that action, what we do rather than why we do it. Mostly driven unconsciously in ways that deeply weaken and disconnect us, always searching for the most perfect thing to do yet performed unconsciously and disconnected. When your actions are tied to an inherent sense of not being enough and lacking in value then everything you do will be anchored to that created condition.How can you give your best when you are not connected to an inherent sense of BEING your best, how can you GIVE when you truly deep down feel you need to GET? How easy it becomes to bypass and ignore your inner voice, do too much or not enough in action or trying too hard, burning through your limits, weakening yourself and taking impotent actions that are out of alignment with your inner heart and values, shredding and consuming yourself chasing something that is inside you all along.
When you feel like the harder you try the more you will get of course the answer is try harder, often times not trying at all just simply indulging in the FEELING of trying, the feeling of stress, pretending to make an impact and then when you dont get what you expected of course the answer is to try harder. How much of life is spent draining ourselves in order to become full. like a dog chasing its tail, the faster you go the harder you try the more it moves away doesnt it.The action itself is only one aspect, your inner orientation and what drives the action is the fuel. Are you eating yourself or feeding yourself? Its critical to have clarity and understanding to allow your actions to express an alignment with your true inner heart. The core disconnect of leaving ourselves to perform actions in the outer world with the inherent goal of feeling worthy, because only when we are worthy do we receive the universal currency of energy, love. This backwards orientation results in trying very hard, contriving and manipulating actions and activities like a dog chasing its tail, trying to reach that which is not only inside of but is who we already are.
As a being of spirit, embodied divinity, we are inherently valuabe, whether materially we have nothing or everything makes no difference in our inherent value and without this clarity and connection we end up chasing our worth from outer forms rather than expressing our value into outer forms.Wu wei, doing nothing, is not about taking no action but better understood as doing nothing to get anything in particular internally. You are simply centered in spirit, in your heart, which needs nothing to be whole and connected and therefore is free to express and give in highest alignment with divine flow. This is not an intellectual or thought based process, it is an actual condition which is naturally connected and sensitive to the pulse of each moment. Striving and forcing comes from disconnection and is inherently a form of taking, mostly its nothing more than dressed up ways of getting something outside to feed inner spirit so regardless of the action itself can be nothing other than a form of taking and takes from both outside and inside ourselves, through further disconnect.
Inner heart does not need anything, it holds all the value in the universe through simply being and when allowed to act into the world, wu wei. In each and every moment, from moment to moment, you can flow in your most aligned, powerful, loving way, without trying. This does not mean not taking any actions, not at all, in this place you have unleashed your actions, no longer frozen, moving wholly and fully, your actions are no longer misunderstood ways of gathering love and energy for yourself but outer expressions of your true inner heart. None of this is thought based, this is the exact opposite of thought based. This is a way of being that arises naturally when you remember who you really are. With a developed and embodied awareness be willing to really look at your motivations, what you want, why you want it, with truth and honesty. What are you really searching for, what will those persons places or things give you access to inside, and if you could access those ways of being inside without the need for the outer forms would you act outwardly in a different way? Or would you act in the same way but from a different place, a different drive? Recentering yourself to a life of heart is not a way to try and be, it's not a thought or idea of how you should be, it arises through clarity and settling back into yourself deeply enough that you realize you don't have to chase your tail, it's already part of you,so if there was nothing for you to get, internally, what would you have to give?